Water-efficient Showerheads and Faucets to Reduce Waste
Download Audio VersionWater-efficient products are good for the environment and save a lot of money. Installing kitchen taps, shower handsets and controls, basin taps and baths that conserve water will help reduce soil and water contamination.
Sink Faucets
Some manufacturers offer sink faucets that help reduce the water flow by 700 gallons a year. Standard faucets use 2.2 gallons while water-efficient ones use 1.5 gallons. Experts calculate that if all families in the U.S. install such faucets, this would amount to $1.2 billion in savings.
Water-efficient faucets can be installed in the kitchen or bathroom. There are different brands and models to choose from, offered with extras such as soap dispensers and others. This is an eco option that saves both water and energy.
Showerheads waste a lot of water and add to your utility bill. Old showerheads use 5.5 gallons per minute which results in a large water bill. The good news is that there are low-flow showerheads with features such as pause buttons and flow-adjusting dials. You will save between $100 and $150 a year in water bills. Given that less electricity is needed for heating, this results in $300 - $350 in savings. There are also benefits for the environment, including less carbon dioxide emissions, decreased volume, and improved water efficiency.

There are pumped or electric showers that are ideal for homes with low water pressure. This is a good solution if you want to increase the flow rate. Customers can choose from different options, including thermostatic and manual showers. Low-flow showerheads are different in that they waste less water by reducing the flow rate. It is best to choose a showerhead with a rate of up to 2.5 gallons per minute. The main types are laminar-flow and aerating. The latter combine water with air, and the former use pressure to compact water. Laminar-flow showerheads create less moisture and steam than aerating ones. One benefit for users is that they pay less for water heating.
New and Old Taps
One way to reduce water waste is to check for leaks and fix them immediately. Leaking taps result in more than 3,100 gallons of water wasted per year. To increase efficiency, you may want to install a flow regulator on your bathroom and kitchen taps. This is a way to control the pressure or flow. If you make home improvements or renovations, install aerators or flow controllers to reduce water consumption. The aerators must be installed in key locations. You can also install mixer taps to save water and maintain comfortable temperature when bathing. While some people dislike the idea, installing separate cold and hot taps saves energy and water.
Check the thermostat of your system as well. Mixing hot and cool water to maintain comfortable temperature adds to your utility bill. Make sure the temperature is set at 60°C.
While the useful life of taps is around 20 years, leaks are a problem. You may have to replace the seals on more than one occasion. The best thing to do is to replace them with water efficient ones. Check the stars and water rating before buying. If you buy 3-star taps, water efficiency will increase by 48 percent. Models with 5 stars increase the efficiency by 67 percent. To save even more, you may want to contact your local council and ask if rebates are offered.
When choosing showerheads and sink faucets, it is important to pay attention to the average flow per minute and water consumption per use. Check the flow per minute when buying flow controllers, showerheads, and taps and the water consumption per use when purchasing urinals, toilers, washing machines, and dishwashers.
Other Water-Efficient Fixtures and Appliances
Urinals are usually installed in malls, office buildings, and other commercial properties. Modern fixtures save about 26,000 gallons a year when installed in an office building. Water-efficient urinals use 0.5 gallons per flush which is three times less compared to standard ones.
Hot water systems are used to heat water and account for up to 15 – 25 percent of the energy consumed. To reduce your bill, you can opt for a solar water heater or heat pump. It takes less time to heat water, saving you a lot of money and thousands of gallons of water wasted.
Fixtures and appliances such as toilets, showers, dishwashers, and washing machines use the most water. It is a good idea to replace old appliances with water-efficient models.
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