Green Cleaning Products and Bio Formulas for Responsible Consumers and Businesses
Download Audio VersionGreen cleaning products are ecologically friendly and contain no harmful and poisonous compounds that cause allergies and pollution. Many stores and online retailers feature environmentally friendly cleaning products and supplies that offer health benefits. The problem with conventional products is that many contain toxic ingredients that are harmful for small children and pets. Green cleaning supplies help improve indoor air quality and are as effective as products that contain harsh agents.
Benefits for Businesses
Obviously, the main benefit for businesses is a clean and safe workplace environment for their employees and customers. Long-term exposure to harmful compounds increases the risk for reproductive and neurological disorders, cancer, and other serious and chronic conditions. Cleaners and housekeepers, for example, often develop asthma, chronic bronchitis, and other serious health problems. They are at risk for dermatitis, tumors, and respiratory problems. Non-scented commercial cleaners, on the other hand, are safe for asthmatics and allergy sufferers.
There are different routes of exposure, including dermal exposure, inhalation, and ingestion. In some cases, indoor pollution levels are 3 – 5 times higher compared to outdoor pollution. Given that many people spend long hours at work, pollution is a source of concern. Green cleaning products are an effective solution given that many of them are biodegradable, contain no volatile organic compounds, and come with a recyclable or reduced packaging. They are bio-based, fragrance-free, and nontoxic. Companies that use green supplies benefit from improved access to government incentives and lower operating costs.

Benefits for Households
Conventional cleaning supplies contain compounds and chemicals that pass into the blood stream and can cause asthma, respiratory problems, dizziness, and other conditions. They affect major organs and the nervous system. In contrast, green products are safe in the long run, effective, and affordable. They do not pollute air and drinking water and contribute to environmental protection. They are readily available in many convenience stores, supermarkets, and online. The best green cleaning products come in many varieties, including:
They are ideal for sustainable living and going green. Many products contain natural ingredients that are safe for health and the surrounding environment. The good news is that they are effective in neutralizing odors and absorbing spills and grease. Many products contain essential oils that have antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiseptic properties. In contrast, conventional products contain hidden toxins such as ammonium compounds, triclosan, sodium hydroxide, chlorine, and others. They are found in many products, including laundry whiteners, mildew removers, toilet bowl cleaners, scouring powders, and many others. Multi-purpose, kitchen, and window cleaners also contain toxic compounds. Check the label before buying. Avoid products that list complicated and long ingredient names and find out if they are certified. Long-term exposure to household cleaning supplies can cause kidney and liver damage, pulmonary edema, narcosis, and other severe conditions. Some cleaning supplies contain chemicals such as mineral- and plant-based ingredients but they are non-toxic, safe to use, and biodegradable. Usually, ecologically friendly cleaning products contain plant-derived or plant-based ingredients that are derived from coconut, oranges, corn, and other plants. In contrast, conventional products often contain petroleum-based compounds with serious environmental and health implications.
There is a selection of products for residential and commercial properties that are responsible choices and help preserve the environment. They contain no dyes, scents, added colors, and other artificial substances. Biodegradable formulas are tough on wine, coffee, food, grass, and dirt. They are gentle on delicate skin. Green products are optimized for cold, warm, and hot water and help homeowners to save energy and money. They are convenient and ready to use. Bio formulas are easier to use and carry, whether camping, gardening, travelling, in your car, office, or home. Whether you are looking for a heavy-duty degreaser, stainless steel cleaner, lime scale remover, or odor and stain remover, there is a selection of bio products that help clean and detox your home. Green products are used to sanitize animal allergens, cockroach droppings, smoke residue, molds, dust mites, and other substances that increase the risk of allergic reactions and cause inflammation of the airways.
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